Friday, April 25, 2008

Ody Revealed

Ody!!! Your a beggar now! What happened? and he said, Well I'll tell you! and so he did. . .

I came all the way from places that I don't wish to mention. I came here and what do I see?!! Suitors! Pfft! What the heck are they doing at my house?! So I go inside as a beggar, because well beggars are inconspicuous and also because if i had gone as myself i would have died.

So Ody dressed as the beggar was allowed to take part in the competition. And who one you ask... He did no surprise there.

At first Penelope didn't believe it was really him. But then she said something about the bed being moved and he got mad. He got mad because like, he made a special bed for the two of them. And it was like, built into a tree in their bedroom. That's like so cool. But so he knew the bed couldn't be moved. And then she like, realized it really was him. Such a sweet ending!!! We still love you Ody with our whole heart!!!!

Thanks for staying with us throughout Ody's whole journey.

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