Friday, April 25, 2008

Ody Revealed

Ody!!! Your a beggar now! What happened? and he said, Well I'll tell you! and so he did. . .

I came all the way from places that I don't wish to mention. I came here and what do I see?!! Suitors! Pfft! What the heck are they doing at my house?! So I go inside as a beggar, because well beggars are inconspicuous and also because if i had gone as myself i would have died.

So Ody dressed as the beggar was allowed to take part in the competition. And who one you ask... He did no surprise there.

At first Penelope didn't believe it was really him. But then she said something about the bed being moved and he got mad. He got mad because like, he made a special bed for the two of them. And it was like, built into a tree in their bedroom. That's like so cool. But so he knew the bed couldn't be moved. And then she like, realized it really was him. Such a sweet ending!!! We still love you Ody with our whole heart!!!!

Thanks for staying with us throughout Ody's whole journey.

The Gigantorous Bow Contest

So, yeah. Penelope wasn't ready to let go of Ody, as dead, so she like, made a contest and like, all the suitors were wimps so she knew how ingenious it was. She like, said you guys have to string Ody's bow and shoot an arrow through twelve iron axe helves and the prize was her hand in marriage. Penelope was clever, like a vixen, and wise like an owl. And so like, the suiter people were like, ok! No sweat! I can shoot an arrow through the axe things and be king of Ithica! No problemo. But boy! Were they wrong! See, Penelope knew that Ody's bow could only be strung by him and he was the only person who could shoot an arrow through the axe helves without grazing one. She's a smart one, that Penelope. And she was right!!! Ody came as a beggar...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Journey back home

After Circe's island Odysseus and his mens journey were like, far from over. They had many other obstacles to overcome. Lucky for Odysseus Circe like, told him ahead of time what obstacles they would have to overcome. First there were the Sirens. The Sirens like, when they sang the men would want to go to them and then they would like, become shipwrecked. So if they didn't want to become shipwrecked they would have to not listen to them. But if Odysseus wanted to listen he would have to have his men tie him down. So before they got to the Sirens Odysseus gave his men wax to put in their ears and tied him down. After hearing them sing Odysseus like, screamed for his men to untie him but they couldn't hear him. So like, they got away from the Sirens. Next Circe told Odysseus about Scylla who had six heads and twelve legs. She would pick men up from the ship and they would die. Odysseus didn't tell his men ahead of time about her because he didn't want them to be scared. So when they got there six of his men were taken. Odysseus men didn't listen to Circe or Odysseus when they said not to eat the cattle of Helios, the sun god's island. The men like, ended up eating the cattle which made Helios very angry. Since he was so angry Zeus threw a thunderbolt at the ship and nobody but Odysseus survived.

Circe's Island

When they got to Circe's island Odysseus stayed on the ship while Eurylochus and some of the other men go explore the island. When they get to Circe's house there are like, big monsters outside. Everybody but Eurylochus wanted to go in her house. Eurylochus like, thought she was a witch. Once the men got in her house she like, gave them this drink and then turned them into PIGS! Wow that's scary. After she put them in a pigsty Eurylochus ran down to where the ship was to Odysseus. He told them what happened. On Ody's way to her house he like, meets the god Hermes. Hermes makes Odysseus immune to Circe's powers. So when he gets there and he doesn't react to her drink or spell she realizes who he is. He convinces Circe to turn his men back into humans. Then they all go back to the ship and tell them the good news and they're like, going to eat dinner with her. Eurylochus tells him he shouldn't go because it's a trick. But Odysseus doesn't listen because he says he's the leader. Odysseus and his men stay on her island for a year before his men reminded him of home. They started their journey back home.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Like, OMG on part of their trip they landed on an island with like, a Cyclops who had only like ONE eye!! Sooo scary. But Ody was so brave. And like, there were people giving away flowers and I wanted to like, have a pretty flower, but Valentina said the flowers were like magic, only the bad kind. She saved my life. The Cyclops like ate the men and me and Valentina were thinking like, this movie should be rated R. Oh wait... It wasn't a movie. IT WAS REAL!!! Ok, Raine. Calm down. Then they got trapped in like, a cave with the one eyed monster. But Ody had him like, drink some wine I think. And then like, the moster passed out and Ody stabbed him in the eye so he couldn't see. Then they like, had to find a way to get out. And like, there were sheep in there with them. They got on the underside of the sheep and rode to the edge of the cave. Then like, the Cyclops felt to make sure he knew it was the sheep leaving. That's why Ody was so like, smart because the Cyclops couldn't feel the men and he only felt the sheep. And that's how they escaped.


Odysseus has started his journey home from the war. We have decided to follow his men and him home. His men are greedier in person. They kept asking for more wine. I don't even like wine. Oh yeah! Remember, Valentina? Like, they went to like, the island thingy and like, the dude person, uh..... Helios? Yeah! Helios the like, dude no... I think he was a god. Yeah! Well, this Helios guy, he got sooo incredibly mad! It was like, my dad getting mad at me! So then like, our Ody,like, said "Sing in me muse.." Ody was like, so amazingly beautiful like, the most gorgeous thing ever. He's soo going to like, marry one of us one day. Oh wait!!! Uh, Valentina? I think he's like, married already. Well, Penelope can make room for us in the castle, can't she? Whoa, her name looks like a fruit! Yeah, like cantalope, right?